Opt out of Substandard Education. Opt for Effective Learning Environments
For every 60 minutes a child spends on a laptop in class,
38 minutes are spent “off task.”
How Does Tech Deliver A Substandard Education?
Parents and schools are being sold a false bill of goods when they’re told that educational technology improves student learning. In reality, studies that do show the efficacy of EdTech products, are often funded by the EdTech companies themselves.
Even Harvard University recommends note-taking by hand. “Typing notes on your computer is convenient, but consider that research has shown - for those who are able to do so - that we learn better when we write notes by hand.” (Source)
Here are some of the glaring disadvantages of EdTech that are often overlooked and contributing to a substandard level of education in the classroom:
Increased Distractions:
This includes social media, games, and messaging friends on school-issued tech that don’t have the proper parameters to prevent access to these platforms
Decreased Socialization:
More time spent buried in Chromebooks or on iPads means less time interacting with other students and teachers
Improper Implementation:
According to the Edtech Evidence Exchange, educators estimate that “85% of EdTech tools are poor fits or poorly implemented.”
There is plenty of empirical evidence to suggest that EdTech hasn’t improved students learning in the classroom. Check out some of those alarming statistics below.
The Alarming Stats About EdTech:
A study called “How We Learn” by researchers for Scientific American Mind reviewed more than 700 scientific articles on ten common learning techniques to identify the most advantageous ways to study - exactly ZERO used any sort of advanced digital technology
92% of students found it easiest to concentrate when reading in hard copy vs digital
Students who were encouraged to work with paper and pencil on math problems outperformed their peers by about 13 points, showing greater accuracy in their work
Resources For You:
Guide: Digital Education Awareness Kit
Guide: The Unplug EdTech Toolkit
If you are seeking legal help with digital dangers, please go to Legal Assistance.