If you have a problem where school meets tech, Julie is here to help

If you need legal assistance to help with school-issued tech, a free consultation with Julie Liddell at the EdTech Law Center is the place to start.

EdTech Law Center

The EdTech Law Center works to hold education technology companies legally accountable for the harm they inflict on students and their families.

Julie Liddell

On a mission to help people of all backgrounds find justice in the courts, Julie spent ten years in public service as a staff attorney for judges in the highest courts in Texas, More recently, she’s fought against powerful, well-resourced interests for: survivors of toxic mold exposure, financially disadvantaged women, and individuals who have been harmed by unethical attorney conduct.

Andy Liddell

A career federal courts litigator and technology attorney, Andy has helped clients resolve complex, multimillion-dollar disputes involving patents, trademarks, and trade secrets. A dedicated advocate for youth digital civil rights and a longtime member of the Children’s Screentime Action Network, Andy has testified before state and federal legislators in support of bills designed to better protect children online.