Opt out of Cyberbullying, Opt for Blocking the Bullies
Since 2019 there have been 8.5 million cases of cyberbullying on school-administered Google Docs accounts.
What Is Cyberbullying?
Bullying that occurs on digital devices — like mobile phones, computers, and tablets — is called cyberbullying. This form of bullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or cruel content about an individual.
It’s not just playground insults or “kids being kids,” the digital interface allows kids to be crueler to one another and can inflict real-world harm with consequences that can be deadly.
Cyberbullying has become rampant on school-issued tech, with students bullying each other on their devices in the classroom and schools providing little to no protection for our kids.
11-Year-Old Cyberbullied on School-Issued Chromebook:
In September 2022, the father checked his then 11-year-old daughter’s browsing history on her school-issued Chromebook and discovered that she had been viewing suicide and hypersexualized content through social media.
She was the victim of intense cyberbullying by school peers and was even sexually assaulted by a Snapchat user on one occasion. In addition to the sexual assault, she has suffered a range of academic, physical, and emotional harms, including developing a severe eating disorder, sleeplessness, anxiety, depression, self-harm, and suicidal ideation.
Her maladies have required significant medical intervention, including outpatient and inpatient care.
Resources For You:
If you are seeking legal help with digital dangers, please go to Legal Assistance.